2009 Retirement Quilt

2009 Retirement Quilt
Let me build one for you!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pictures of quilts 2010

Last year I made personalized retirement quilts for all the teachers who retired from my school district. Needless to say I was a hit. I made 13 quilts last year and I thought that was a lot. This year started out with 14 and ended up with 24 teachers, etc. retiring from our district. I did get some help with the quilts and two teachers will get theirs in the fall. I ended up making 17 quilts and I had planned on putting most of them up here or on my facebook page, but my camera is missing with all the pics on it. I will put up a couple of what I have from a different camera.
This quilt was made for the head of buildings and grounds. He wants to go deep-sea fishing for swordfish, he loves the outer banks, he loves everything outdoors. I found fabric that looks like grass, trees and buildings. it was perfect. The man's peers signed the back of his quilt. It makes a very nice gift.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, I will cherish my quilt forever! I was never contacted or asked questions and you managed to sneak all the things I love do to or did at one time. Simply amasing and beautiful! Tell your brother, Jeff that I will choke him with my arthritic hands until he can no longer blow into his flute for uncovering my high school photo. LOL I challenge him for first chair flute when I join the next orchestra...there will probably be angels in chairs 3 and 4. Thank you so much for your expertise in Home Ec and Sewing. Love, Big Di
